School for the Arts

Chuck Ringness B.Sc., M.P., M.F.A.

Adjunct Member in School for the Arts
School for the Arts professor emeritus

Andrew Denton

Director of School for the Arts
Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Betty Allison

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Lisa Birke BFA (Emily Carr); MFA (with distinction, University of Waterloo)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Shannon Blanchet MFA

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Jennifer Crane B.F.A. (York University), M.F.A.,(Concordia University)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Andrew Denton

Director of School for the Arts
Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Anthea Fitz-James

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Cameron Forbes MFA Concordia

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Glen Gillis Ph.D., M. Mus., B. Mus. Mus. Ed.

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Allyson Glenn MFA (University of Calgary), BFA (University of Alberta)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

John David Graham M.F.A. (University of Oregon) B.F.A. (Concordia University)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Amanda Lalonde PhD, B.Mus

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Jennifer Lang Ph.D., M. Mus., B.Ed., B.Mus. (Music Education), The University of Western Ontario

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Mary Longman DFA, MFA, PhD

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Kenneth MacKenzie BFA, MFA

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Veronique Mathieu D. Mus. Indiana University; MM Indiana University; AD McGill University; BM Quebec Conservatory

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Dean McNeill B.Mus, M.Mus, Dip.

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

jake moore BFA Sculpture, MFA Fibres and Material Studies, Concordia University PhD Art and Art History ABD McGill

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Alison Norlen B.F.A, M.F.A

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Darrin Oehlerking Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Education (Elementary, Secondary Instrumental) - University of Manitoba. Master of Music (Performance) - University of Manitoba. Doctor of Musical Arts (Conducting) - University of Iowa.

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Carla Orosz B.F.A., M.F.A. (Design)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Susan Shantz B.A., M.A., M.F.A

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Kayla Solomon

Faculty Member in School for the Arts
Visiting Scholar in School for the Arts

Kathleen Solose M.Mus. Juilliard, Dipl. Moscow Conservatory, Acc. Chigiana, di.S.Cecilia, B.Mus.Juilliard

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Fraser Stevens

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Deneh'Cho Thompson BFA, MFA (2021)

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Mark Tse DMA, MM, MM, BE, BM

Faculty Member in School for the Arts

Gyula Csapo D. Mus., Ph.D.

Retired Faculty (School for the Arts)

Garry Gable B. Mus., M. Mus., D.M.A.

Retired Faculty (School for the Arts)

Gregory Marion Ph.D. (Music Theory)

Retired Faculty (School for the Arts)

Brian Unverricht B. Mus. (Mus Ed) UofS '71, Post Grad Diploma in Conducting U of C '95

Retired Faculty (School for the Arts)
Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Keith Bell B.A., M.A., M.A. Litt

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Lynne Bell B.A., M.A., Ph.D

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Dwayne Brenna B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Moira Day B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Graham Fowler B.F.A., M.F.A., Educ. diploma

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Pamela Haig Bartley B.F.A., M.F.A.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Don Harris B.Ed., M. Mus.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Walter Kreyszig B. Mus. with Distinction in Flute Performance (Windsor), M.A. in Musicology ( Western Ontario), M. Phil. in Musicology (Yale), Ph.D. in Musicology (Yale), FABI (Raleigh, North Carolina); DDG (Cambridge, England)

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Gerald Langner B.A.(Hons.), B.Ed, M.M., D.M.A.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Tim Nowlin B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A.

School for the Arts professor emeritus

Chuck Ringness B.Sc., M.P., M.F.A.

Adjunct Member in School for the Arts
School for the Arts professor emeritus

Kerry Agnew BMus; BEd, MMus, GDP

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Terry Billings BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Brooklynn Bitner

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Skye Brandon

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Erin Brophey BMus Hons Performance, M.Mus Performance

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Darrell Bueckert B.A., BMus, MusEd, M.Ed.

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Patrick Bulas BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Nick Fanner MEd (Curr); BMus (MusEd)

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Xiao Han

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

James Hawn

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Curtis Henschel BA, ENTS

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Sandra Herron

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Walter Hofmeister

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Clinton Hunker

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Sophia James-Cavan

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Sheila Killoran M.A. Creative Arts Therapies (Music Therapy)

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Beverley Kobelsky Head of Wardrobe

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Grant McConnell BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Scott McKnight M.Mus (Cello Performance)

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Dawn McLean Belyk BMusMusEd, MMusic Performance

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Kenn McLeod BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Clare Middleton

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Allison Miller Master of Music - University of Ottawa, Bachelor of Music - University of Ottawa, Diploma of Music - Victoria Conservatory of Music

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Stacey Mortenson-Spokes

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Janice Paterson B.Mus., M.Mus., (Music Performance), Opera Diploma

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Barbara Reimer BA; BFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Frances Robson MFA, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1985

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Iain Rose Technical Director

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Donald Schmidt

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Jordan Schwab

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Jacob Semko

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Arlene Shiplett B. Mus, Mus. Ed.

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Bruce Sinclair

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Laura St. Pierre

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Paul Suchan BMusMusEd, MMusic (Music Composition)

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Brian Unverricht B. Mus. (Mus Ed) UofS '71, Post Grad Diploma in Conducting U of C '95

Retired Faculty (School for the Arts)
Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Stephanie Unverricht BMus (University of Ottawa) MMus (New England Conservatory)

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Shawn Zheng (郑书成) BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts

Joseph Anderson BFA'00, MFA'09

School for the Arts Staff

Brooklynn Bitner

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Deborah Buck

School for the Arts Staff

Patrick Bulas BFA, MFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Allison Fairbairn BA (English); BMUS (Theory/Composition); MA (Musicology); MEd (Educational Technology and Design)

School for the Arts Staff

Kendra Harder BMus (USask), Saskatoon Business College

School for the Arts Staff

Beverley Kobelsky Head of Wardrobe

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Alex Loewen B Mus - Theory and Composition, M Mus - Composition

School for the Arts Staff

Barbara Reimer BA; BFA

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Iain Rose Technical Director

Sessional Lecturer in School for the Arts
School for the Arts Staff

Kayla Solomon

Faculty Member in School for the Arts
Visiting Scholar in School for the Arts