Research Area(s)
- Mineralogy
- Mineral spectroscopy
- Environmental geochemistry
- Critical minerals
- Geochemistry
- Mineral deposits
- Sustainable mineral development
- Mineral-inspired materials
Cao, K., She, Z., Papineau, D., Nan, J., Chen, C., Deevsalar, R., Tunc, A., Shakouri, M., Xiao, Q., Huang, K.-J. & Pan, Y. Preservation of biosignatures in Neoproterozoic phosphorites metamorphosed at temperatures >450 °C. Chemical Geology (accepted).
Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., She, Z., Feng, R., Chen, N., Purdy, S. & Cao, K. The valence states of Nb and Ta in magmatic-hydrothermal systems: Insights from combined SXAS and XPS analyses of titanite and ilmenite in two Chinese anorogenic suites. American Mineralogist (accepted).
Tunc, A., Lin, J., Chen, N., Feng, R. & Pan, Y. Proof of uranyl deposition in unconformity-related uranium deposits, Athabasca Basin, Canada: Evidence from synchrotron XAS and XPS analyses of hematite”. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology (accepted)
Feng, Y., Pan, Y., Chen, H., Deevsalar, R., Cheung, L., Tunc, A., Cao, K., Zhu, Y., Feng, R.,Shakouri, M., Xiao, Q., Chen, N., Xiao, B. and Zheng, H. (2024) Binding mechanisms of Y and HREE sorption on birnessite: New insights into the formation and sustainable development of regolith-hosted REE deposits. American Mineralogist (in press)
Sittner, J., Götze, J., Müller, A., Renno, A.D., Ziegenrücker, R. & Pan, Y. (2024) Trace element analysis and luminescence behavior of quartz in pegmatites of the Tørdal region, Norway. Chemical Geology, Vol. 670: 122427.
Chadirji-Martinez, K., Hudon, G., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Feng, R., Crawford, A.M. & Pan, Y. (2024) Thorium speciation in titania slag: Implications for environmental remediation and valorization. Mineralogical Magazine (in press).
Zhang, J., Chai, J., Zhang, L., Huang, Q., Wang, Q., Pan, L. Ma, C., Li, J. & Pan, Y. (2024) Lower crustal copper enrichment and mobilization indicated by Late Permian amphibole gabbros and granodiorites in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, northern Tibet. Lithos, Vol. 482–483: 107740.
Ma, X., Yuan, Z., Lin, J., Cui, Y., Wang, S., Pan, Y., Chernikov, R., Cheung, L.K.L., Deevsalar, R. & Jia, Y. (2024) Local structure and crystallization-transformation of hydrous ferric arsenate in acidic H2O-Fe(III)-As(V)-SO42- systems: Implications for acid mine drainage and arsenic geochemical cycling. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 58: 7176–7185.
- Tunc, A., Çelik, Y., Feng, R. İnanç, O. & Pan, Y. (2024) Uranium mineralization in the Thrace Basin, NW Türkiye: Evidence from radiation-induced defects in detrital quartz and synchrotron XRF/XANES analysis. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 264: 107533.
- Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Pan, L., Huang, Q., Ma, C., Li, J. & Pan, Y. (2024) Geochronological and sulfide geochemical evidence for gold mineralization related to post-collisional magmatism in the Wulonggou goldfield of the East Kunlun Orogen, northern Tibet, Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 170: 106155. j.oregeorev.2024.106155
Zhang, G., Tang, Y., Lin, J., Xu, J., Yuan, Z., Chen, L., Wu, F., Liu, C., Zhu, Z., Bi, X., Zou, W., Cao, Z. Jiang, K., Pan, Y., Chernikov, R., Jia, Y. & Wang, S. (2024) Magnetic and structural characteristics associated with the transformation of As(V)-coprecipitated ferrihydrite to hematite: Implications for magnetic enhancement in soils and sediments. Environmental Science: Nano, Vol. 11: 1985-1999.
- Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2024) Arsenic speciation in picromerite K2Mg(SO4)2•6H2O: Electron paramagnetic resonance and synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopic characterizations and implications for organic fertilizers. Canadian Journal of Chemistry (in press).
Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., Ma, C. & Shi, Z. (2024) Remobilization and enrichment of Nb during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: Insights from titanite in Nb-rich dyke swarms of South Qinling, China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 179: 48.
Cheung, L.K.L., MacKay, C., Sykes, J. & Pan, Y. (2024) Distribution of radiation-induced defects in quartz at the ACKIO uranium prospect, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan: Tracing uranium-bearing fluids. Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology Vol. 62:: 625–641.
Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, C., Almeev, R.R., She, Z. & Holtz, F. (2024) Pyrochlore composition and Sm-Nd isotope signature as indicators of magmatic-hydrothermal processes: The case of Ririwai complex, north-central Nigeria. Chemical Geology, Vol. 652: 122021.
- Götze, J., Möckel, R., Pan, Y. & Müller, A. (2024) Geochemistry and formation of agate‑bearing lithophysae in Lower Permian volcanics of the NW‑Saxonian Basin (Germany). Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol/118: 23-40..
Su, R., Su, X., Gao, Y., Ma, X.,, hao, X., Ou, X., Cui, Y., Lin, J., Pan, Y. & Wang, S. (2024) Cotreatment strategy for hazardous arsenic-calcium residue and siderite tailings via arsenic fixation as scorodite. Journal of Environmental Sciences (in press).
Kuang, H., Pan, Y. & Tse, J. (2024) First-principles studies on the structure and B-O coordinationof B2O3 glass at high pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 128: 3543-3556.
Xie, X.-Z., Kuang, H., Wiens, E., Deevsalar, R., Tunc, A., Purdy, S., Zuin, L., Tse, J.S., Mi, J.-X., & Pan, Y. (2024) Synthesis of jadarite in the Li2O-Na2O-B2O3-SiO2-NaCl-H2O system: FTIR, Raman, and Li and B K-edge XANES characterizations and theoretical calculations. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 36: 139-151. DOI:10.5194/ejm-36-139-2024
- Götze, J., McRae, C., Pan, Y. & Audédat, A. (2024) The blue 450 nm (2.8 eV) cathodoluminescence (CL) emission in quartz and its relation to structural defects and Ti contents. American Mineralogist, Vol. 109: 122-134.
Chadirji-Martinez, K., Hudon, G., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Feng, R., Crawford, A. & Pan, Y. (2024) Thorium speciation in ilmenite concentrates from the Mandena deposit, Madagascar: Implications for environmental remediation and thorium beneficiation. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 160: 105872.
- Xie, X.-Z., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2024) A facile recrystallization strategy for fabrication of nanocrystalline microspheres of sulfatic sodalite with high thermal stability. CrystEngComm, Vol. 26: 40-50.
- Han, J., Hanchar, J.M., Pan, Y., Hollings, P. & Chen, H. (2023) Hydrothermal alteration, not metamictization, is the main trigger for modification of U- and Th-rich zircon in highly evolved granites. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 136: 1878-1888.
Yuan, Z., Su, R., Ma, X., Yu, L., Pan, Y., Chen, N., Chernikov, R., Cheung, L.K.L., Deevsalar, R., Tunc, A., Wang L., Zeng, X., Lin, J. & Jia, Y. (2023) Direct immobilization of Se(IV) from acidic Se(IV)-rich wastewater via ferric selenite co-precipitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 460: 132346.
Mrozik, M., Götze, J., Pan, Y. & Möckel, R. (2023) Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of agates from Chihuahua, Northern Mexico. Minerals, Vol. 13(5), 687.
Zhang, J., Zhao, X., Yuan, Z., Ma, X., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Kong, Y., Pan, Y., Lin, J. & Jia, Y. (2023) Partitioning and transformation behavior of Cd(II) and As(V) during As(V)-Cd(II)-Fe(III) coprecipitation: Effect of aging under aerobic conditions at pH 5 and 11 relevant to tailings and acid waste. Hydrometallurgy, Volume 218:106061.
Guo, H., Yang, Y., Yang, G., Cao, X., Yan, N., Li, Z., Chen, E., Tang, L., Peng, M., Shi, L., Xie, S., Tao, H.B., Xu, C., Zhu, Y., Fu, X.-Z.; Pan, Y., Chen, N., Lin, J., Tu, X., Shao, Z., Sun, Y. (2023) Ex-situ reconstruction-shaped Ir/CoO/perovskite heterojunction for boosted water oxidation reaction. ACS Catalysis. Vol. 13:5007-5019.
Hu, Q.-M., Huang, Y.-X., Zhang, W.Y., Shao, G.-T., Xu, Y., Zhang, Y.-H., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2023) Industrial-scale extraction of high value-added kaolin from excavation waste: Demonstration from Xiamen, China. Waste Management, Vol. 163: 144-153.
Yuan, Y., Lin, J., Pan, Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, J., Shakouri, M., Chen, N., Chernikov, R., Wiens, E. & Jia, Y. (2023) Effects of nitrate content on As(III) immbolization via new ferric arsenite hydroxynitrate precipitates. Geoderma, Vol. 432: 116423.
Zhang, J., Pan, L., Wang, Q., Huang, Q., Ma, C., Li, J. & Pan, Y. (2023) Generation of ore-forming magmas in transcrustal plumbing systems: Insights from the Late Triassic Wulonggou porphyries in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 247: 105605.
Deevsalar, R., Pan, Y., Shinjo, R., Milan, L., Song, K.H., Xiao, Q., Shakouri, M., Paterson, A. & Hu, Y. (2023) Redox evolution of differentiating hydrous basaltic magmas recorded by zircon and apatites in mafic cumulates: The case of the Malayer Plutonic Complex, Western Iran. Geochemistry Vol. 83: 125946.
Lin, J., Wang, Y., Pan, Y., Wang, S., Zhao, X., Qu, S., She, Z., Cao, K., Yuan, Z., Ma, X.,Deevsalar, R. and Jia, Y. (2023) Arsenic effects and behavior during the transformation of struvite to newberyite: Implications for applications of green fertilizers. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 458: 141396.
Feng, Y., Pan, Y., Xiao, B., Chu, G. & Chen, H. (2023) Hydrothermal alteration of magmatic titanite: Implications for REE remobilization and the formation of ion-adsorption HREE deposits, South China. American Mineralogist, Vol. 108: 2051-2064.
Xie, X.-Z., Xu, L., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2022) Facile synthesis of rose-like composites of zeolites and layered double hydroxides: Growth mechanism and enhanced properties. Chemosphere, Vol. 309: 136741.
- Chadirji-Martinez, K., Grosvenor, A.P., Crawford, A.M., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Feng, R. & Pan, Y. (2022) Thorium speciation in synthetic anhydrite: Implications for remediation and recovery of thorium from rare-earth mine tailings. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 124: 105965.
Tang, L.-J., Xie, X.-Z., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2022) Phase diagram for hydrothermal alkali activation of kaolin and quartz: Optimal digestion for the synthesis of zeolites. Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 290: 126570.
Zhao, X., Yuan, Z., Wang, S., Pan, Y., Chen, N., Tunc, A., Cheung, N., Alparov, A., Chen, W., Deevsalar, R., Lin, J. & Jia, Y. (2022) Iron(II)-activated phase transformation of Cd-bearing ferrihydrite: Implications for cadmium mobility and fate under anaerobic conditions. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 848: 157719.
Wu, M., Jiang, J., Tse, J.S. & Pan, Y. (2022) Carbonate melts under lower mantle conditions. Science Bulletin Vol. 67: 1307-1309.
Zhao, X., Yuan, Z., Wang, S., Zhang, G., Qu, S., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Pan, Y., Lin, J., Jia, Y., (2022) The fate of co-existent cadmium and arsenic during Fe(II)-induced transformation of As(V)/Cd(II)-bearing ferrihydrite, Chemosphere. Vol. 301: 134665,
Lin, J., Wiens, E., Chen, N., Nilges, M.J., Chen, W. & Pan, Y. (2022) Electron paramagnetic resonance and synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy for highly sensitive characterization of calcium arsenates. Environmental Science & Technology (in press).
Desmarais, J.K., Erba, A., Pan, Y., Civalleria, B. & Tse, J.S. (2022) Reply: Mechanisms for pressure-induced isostructural phase transitions in EuO. Physical Review Letters, Vol.128, 099702.
Mashkovtsev, R.I., Balitsky, V.S. & Pan, Y. (2022) EPR characteristics of radiation-induced defects in Ge-rich α-quartz. Solid State Sciences, Vol. 125: 106833.
Zhang, J., Wang, S., Ma, X., Yao, S., Lv, H., Pan, Y., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Lin, J. & Jia, S. (2022) Observation of surface precipitation of ferric molybdate on ferrihydrite: Implications for the mobility and fate of molybdate in natural and hydrometallurgical environments. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 807: 150749
Gotze, J., Pan, Y. & Muller, A. (2021) Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of quartz – A review. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 85: 639-664.
Wang, S., Zeng, X., Lin, J., Yuan, Z., Qu, S., Zhang, B.,; Pan, Y., Chen, N., Chen, W. & Jia, Y. (2021) Molecular structure of molybdate adsorption on goethite at pH 5 – 8: A combined DFT+U, EXAFS, and ab initio XANES study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 125: 22052-22063.
Xiao, B., Pan, Y., Song, H., Song, W., Zhang, Y. & Chen, H. (2021) Hydrothermal alteration processes of fluorapatite and implications for REE remobilization and mineralization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 176, 87.
Feng, S., Majumdar, A., Kuang, H., Pan, Y., Iitaka, T. & Tse, J.S. (2021) A comparative study on pressure-induced structural transformation in a basaltic glass and melt from Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 48: 41.
Goryainov, S.V., Tse, J.S., Desgreniers, S., Kawaguchi, S.I., Pan, Y., Likhacheva, A.Y. & Molokeev, M.S. (2021) In-situ X-ray diffraction study of chrysotile at high P-T conditions: Transformation to the 3.65 Å phase. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 48: 36.
Ebrahimi, S., Pan, Y. & Rezaeian, M. (2021) Origin and evolution of the Masjed Daghi Cu-Au-Mo porphyry and gold epithermal vein system, NW Iran: Constraints from fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope studies. Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 115, 643-662..
Yin, X., Zhang, G., Su, R., Zeng, X., Yan, Z., Zhang, D., Ma, X., Lei, L., Lin, J., Pan, Y., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Wang, S. & Jia, S. (2021) Oxidation and incorporation of adsorbed antimonite during iron(II)-catalyzed recrystallization of ferrihydrite. Science of the Total Environment, 778: 146424.
Desmarais, J.K., Erba, A., Pan, Y., Civalleria, B. & Tse, J.S. (2021) Mechanisms for pressure-induced isostructural phase transitions in EuO. Physical Review Letters, Vol. 126: 196404.
Chen, X.-H., Guo, R.-Z., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2021) Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the magnetically isolated zigzag chain in KGaCu(PO4)2. Dalton Transactions, Vol. 50: 7835-7842..
Su, R., Ma, X., Lin, J., Yin, X., Wang, X., Pan, Y., Heredia, E., Chernikov, R., Wang, S. & Jia, Y. (2021) An alternative method for the treatment of metallurgical arsenic-alkali residue and recovery of high-purity sodium bicarbonate. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 202: 105590。
Pan, Y., Li, D., Feng, R., Wiens, E., Chen, N., Chernikov, R., Gotze, J. & Lin, J. (2021) Uranyl binding mechanism in microcrystalline silicas: A potential missing link for uranium mineralization by direct uranyl coprecitation and environmental implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 292: 518-531.
- Zhang, J., Lei, H., Ma, C., Li, J. & Pan, Y. (2021) Silurian-Devonian granites and associated intermediate-mafic rocks along the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China: Evidence for a prolonged post-collisional lithospheric extension. Gondwana Research, Vol. 89: 131-146.
Majumdar, A., Wu, M., Pan, Y., Iitaka, T. and Tse, J. (2020) Structural dynamics of basaltic melt at mantle conditions with implications for magma oceans and superplumes. Nature Communications, Vol. 11: 4815.
Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2020) Uptake mechanisms of arsenate in gypsum: Structural incorporation versus surface absorption and implications for remediation of arsenic contamination. Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 27: 227-237.
Pan, Y., Chen, N., Zhu, J., Hopps, N., Wiens, E. & Lin, J. (2020) Local structural environments of bromine in chlorine-rich minerals: Insights from Br K-edge XAS and 81Br MAS NMR. Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 27: 10-22.
Liu, P., Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Wu, M., Qiu, K., Li, P., Jia, H., Wang, Z & Zhang, J. (2020) Primary magmatic biotite in granitoid intrusions associated with Late Mesozoic Jinchanggouliang-Erdaogou lode gold deposits, North China Craton: Linkage to gold mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 125, 103679.
Chen, X.-H., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2020) Quantum spin liquid candidate YCu3(OH)6Br2[Brx(OH)1− x] (x ≈ 0.51): With an almost perfect kagomé layer. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 512: 167066.
- Lin, J., Chen, N., Feng, R., Nilges, M.J., Jia, Y., Wang, S. & Pan, Y. (2020) Sequestration of selenite and selenate in gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O): Insights from the single-crystal electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy study. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 54: 3169-3180.
Yang, J., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2020) Green Synthesis and Characterization of ZeoliteSilicalite-1 from Recycled Mother Liquor. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 303: 110247.
Zhou, C-F, Chen, X-H, Huang, Y-X, Pan, Y & Mi, J-X (2020) Rational design of (NH4)Cu[PO4] with a spin gapped, distorted honeycomb layer. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 2020: 1286-1292.
Gotze, J., Mockel, R. & Pan, Y. (2020) Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of agate-a review. Minerals, Vol. 10(11): 1037.
- Mashkovtsev, R.I., Botis, S.M., Nilges, M.J. & Pan, Y. (2019) Paramagnetic defects in neutron irradiated a-quartz: Novel Al associated E' centers. EPL, Vol. 128: 54004.
Lin, J., Nilges, M.J., Wien, E., Chen, N., Wang, S. & Pan, Y. (2019) Mechanism of Gd3+uptake in gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O): Implications for EPR dating, REE recovery and REE behavior. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 258: 63-78.
Tse J.S., Pan Y., Goryainov S.V. & Likhacheva A. Yu. (2019) X-ray diffraction study of chrysotile compressed in water at high P-T conditions up to 8 GPa and 420 °C. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 83: 687-690.
Toma, J., Holmden, C., Shakotko, P., Pan, Y. & Ootes, L. (2019) Cr isotopic insights into ca.1.9 Ga oxidative-weathering of the continents using the Beaverlodge Lake paleosol, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geobiology, Vol. 17: 467-489.
Tang, X.-Y., Mi, J.-X., Zhuang, R., Wang, S.-H., Wu, S.-F., Pan, Y. & Huang, Y.-X. (2019) Rational design and synthesis of a deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical fluorinated orthophosphate: BaZn(PO4)F. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 58: 4508-4514.
- Du, X., Wang, Z., Wang, H., Iitaka, T., Pan, Y. & Tse, J.S. (2018) Structures and stability of iron halides at the Earth’s mantle and core pressures: Implications for the missing halogen paradox. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Vol. 2: 711-719.
- Du, X., Wu, M., Tse, J.S. & Pan, Y. (2018) Structures and transport properties of CaCO3 melts under Earth's mantle conditions. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Vol. 2: 1-8..
- El-Kelany, Kh. E., Ravoux, C., Desmarais, J.K., Cortona, P., Pan, Y., Tse, J.S. & Erba, A. (2018) Spin localization, magnetic ordering and electronic properties of strongly correlated Ln2O3 sesquioxides (Ln=La, Ce, Pr, Nd). Physical Review B, Vol. 97: 245118.
- Ghavi, J., Karimpour, H., Mazaheri, M.A. & Pan, Y. (2018) Triassic I-type granitoids from the Torbat e Jam area, northeastern Iran: Petrogenesis and implications for Paleotethys tectonics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 164: 159-178.
- Lin, J., Sun, W., Desmarais, J., Chen, N., Feng, R., Zhang, P., Li, D., Lieu, A., Tse, J.S. & Pan, Y. (2018) Uptake and speciation of uranium in synthetic gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O): Applications to radioactive mine tailings. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 181: 8-17.
- Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2018) EPR study of new E' centers in neutron-irradiated alpha-quartz. EPL, Vol. 124, 54001.
- Mi, J.-X. & Pan, Y. (2018) Halogen-rich minerals: Crystal chemistry and geological significances. In “The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Processes”, D.E. Harlov and L. Aranovich, eds., Springer, pp. 123-184.
- Wang, M.-Q., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2018) BaCu(OH)3Cl: a new one-dimensional Mott insulator with a CuO2 chessboard layer. New Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 42, 18077-18083.
- Wang, Q.Y., Dong, Y.J., Pan, Y., Liao, F.X. & Guo, X.W. (2018) Early Paleozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and magmatism in the northern Wulan terrane of the Quanji Massif: Implications for the evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean in northwestern China. Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 29: 1081-1101.
- Zhang, J., Lei, H., Ma, C.-Q., Li, J. & Pan, Y. (2018) Geochemical and thermodynamical modeling of magmatic sources and processes for the Xiarihamu sulfide deposit in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. Vol. 190: 345-356.
Bernal, N.F., Gleeson, S.A., Smith, M.P., Barnes, J.D. & Pan, Y. (2017) Evidence of multiple halogen sources in scapolites from iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits and regional Na-Cl metasomatic alteration, Norrbotten County, Sweden. Chemical Geology, Vol. 451: 90-103.
Cerin, D., Goetz, J. & Pan, Y. (2017) Radiation-induced damage in quartz at the Arrow uranium deposit, southwestern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 55: 457-472.
Futera, Z., Yong, X., Pan, Y., Tse, J.S. & English, N.J. (2017) Formation and properties of water from quartz and hydrogen at high pressure and temperature. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 461: 54-60.
- Goryainov, S.V., Pan, Y., Smirnov, M.B., Sun, W. & Mi, J.-X. (2017) Raman investigation on the behavior of parasibirskite CaHBO3 at high pressure. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 173: 46-52.
Götze, J., Pan, Y., Müller, A., Kotova, E.L. & Cerin, D. (2017) Trace element compositions and defect structures of high-purity quartz from the Southern Ural region, Russia. Minerals, Vol. 7:189.
Jiang, J.-H., Zhang, L.-C.., Hang, Y.-X., Sun, Z.-M., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2017) KB(PO4)F: A novel acentric deep-ultraviolet material. Dalton Transactions, Vol. 46, 1677-1683.
Li, D., Egodawatte, S.N., Kaplan, D., Larsen, S.C., Serkiz, S.M., Seaman, J., Scheckel, K.G., Lin, J., & Pan, Y. (2017) Sequestration of U(VI) from acidic, alkaline and high ion-strength aqueous media by functionalized magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Capacity and binding mechanisms.. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 51: 14330-14341.
Liu, L.-C., Ren, W.-J., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2017) Canted antiferromagnetism in KNi3[PO3(F,OH)]2[PO2(OH)2]F2 with a stair-case Kagomé lattice. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 254: 160-165.
Podder. J., Lin, J., Sun, W., Botis, S.M., Tse, J., Chen N., Hu Y., Li, D., Seaman J. & Pan, Y. (2017) Iodate in calcite and vaterite: Insights from synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 198: 218-228.
Qamar A, LeBlanc K, Semeniuk O, Reznik A, Lin J, Pan Y & Moewes A (2017) X-ray spectroscopic study of amorphous and polycrystalline PbO films, α-PbO, and β-PbO for direct conversion imaging. Scientific Reports, Vol. 7:13159.
Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2017) Strong spin frustration and negative magnetization in LnCu3(OH)6Cl3 (Ln = Nd and Sm) with triangular lattices: The effects of lanthanides. Dalton Transactions, Vol. 46: 9535-9541.
Wu, M., Cheng, J., Tse, J.S., Pan, Y. & Zhang, L. (2017) Density power law and structures of metallic glasses. Acta Materialia, Vol. 141: 75-82.
Zhang, C., Lin, J., Pan, Y., Feng, R., Almeev, R. & Holtz, F. (2017) Electron probe microanalysis of bromine in minerals and glasses with correction for spectral interference from aluminum, and comparison with microbeam synchrotron X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Vol. 41: 449-457.
Zhang, J., Yang, Z., Zhang, H., Ma, C.-Q., Li, J.W. & Pan, Y. (2017) Controls on the formation of Cu-rich magmas: Insights from the Late Triassic post-collisional Saishitang complex in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China. Lithos, Vol. 278-281: 400-418.
Zhang, J., Ma, C.-Q., Li, J.-W. & Pan, Y. (2017) A possible genetic relationship between orogenic gold mineralization and post-collisional magmatism in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 81: 342-357.
- Zhou, B., Faucher, A., Laskowski, R., Terskikh, V.V., Kroeker, S., Sun, W., Lin, J., Mi, J.-X., Michaelis, V.K. & Pan, Y., (2017) Ultrahigh-field 25Mg NMR and DFT study of magnesium borate minerals. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Vol. 1: 299-309.
- Huang, X., Liu B., Zhuang, R.-C., Pan, Y., Mi, J.-X. & Huang, Y.-X. (2016) Multiple fluorine substituted phosphate germanium fluorides and their thermal stabilities. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 55: 12376-12382.
- Wu, M., Lou, H., Tse, J.S., Liu, H., Pan, Y., Takahama, K., Matsuoka, T,, Shimizu, K. & Jiang, J. (2016) Pressure-induced polyamorphism in a main-group metallic glass. Physical Review B 94:054201.
- Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Nokhrin, S., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2016) Perfect Kagome lattice in YCu3(OH)6Cl3: A new candidate for the quantum spin liquid state. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 4: 8772-8777.
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- Zhou, B., Sun, W., Zhao, B.-C., Mi, J.-X., Laskowski, R., Terskikh, V., Zhang, X., Yang, L., Botis, S.M., Sherriff, B.L. & Pan, Y. (2016) 11B MAS NMR and first-principles study of the [OBO3] pyramids in borates. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 55: 1970-1977.
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Wu, M., Tse, J.S. & Pan, Y. (2015) Stability and properties of liquid CO2 at high pressure and high temperature: Implications for electrical conductivities in Earth's lower mantle. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 42: 5820-5827.
Huang, C.-Z., Liu, B., Wen, L., Zhuang, R.-C., Zhao, J.-T., Pan, Y., Mi, J.-X. & Huang, Y.-X. (2015) Dimensional reduction from 2D layer to 1D band for germanophosphates induced by the "tailor effect" of fluoride. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 54: 6978-6985.
Goryainov, S.V., Krylov, A.S., Vtyurin, A.N. & Pan, Y. (2015) Raman study of datolite CaBSiO4(OH) at simultaneously high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 46: 177-181.
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Ren, W.-J., Wang, J.-Q., Huang, Y.-X., Sun, Z.-M., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2015) Synthesis and characterization of mixed-valence mangenese fluorophosphate and analogues with calthrate-like structures: MnIII6F12(PO3(OH))8[Na8(Kx(H3O)4-x(H2O)2MIV(OH)6] (M = Mn, Ti, Ge). Dalton Transactions, Vol. 44: 7960-7966.
Yu, Z.-Q., Wang, J.-Q., Huang, Y.-X., Botis, S.M., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2015) Polymorphism of NaVO2F2: A P21/c superstructure with pseudosymmetry of P21/m in a subcell. Acta Crystallographica Section C, Vol. 71, 440-447.
Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Nokhrin, S., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2015) Hydrothermal synthesis of open-framework borophosphates with tunable micropores, crystal morphologies and thermal stabilities. Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 15: 3594-3601
Zhang, J., Ma, C.Q., Li, J.W. & Pan, Y. (2015) Reappraisal of Early Cretaceous highly enriched mantle beneath the Dabie Orogen: evidence from mineralogy and geochemistry of the Xiaohekou Complex. Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. 172: 808-821.
Zhang, J., Ma, C.Q., Li, J.W. & Pan, Y. (2015) Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous alkaline dolerite dykes in the Dabie Orogen, China: Constraints on the timing of lithospheric thinning. Lithos, Vol. 216-217: 17-30.
Alessi, A., Angello, S., Buscarino, G., Pan, Y. & Mahskovtsev, R.I. (2014) EPR on radiation-induced defects in SiO2. In "Applications of EPR in Radiation Research", Lund A & Shiotani M., eds., Springer, pp. 255-295.
Zhang, J., Ma, C.Q., Xiong, F., Liu, B., Li, J.W. & Pan, Y. (2014) Early Paleozoic high-Mg diorite-granodiorite in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, western China: Response to continental collision and slab break-off. Lithos, Vol. 210-211: 129-146.
Wang, Q., Zheng, J., Pan, Y., Dong, Y., Liao, F., Zhang, L., Zhao, G. & Tu, Z. (2014) Archean crustal evolution in the southeastern North China Craton: new data from the Huoqiu Complex. Precambrian Research, Vol. 255: 294-315.
Zhou, B., Michaelis, V.K., Yao, Y., Sherriff, B.L., Kroeker, S. & Pan, Y. (2014) Density functional theory study of the magnetic shielding mechanism for 11B in pentaborate minerals: ulexite and probertite. CrystEngComm, Vol. 16(45): 10418-10427.
Zhu, T.-T., Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Sun, Z.-M., Pan, Y., Balents, L. & Mi, J.-X. (2014) Strong spin
frustration from isolated triangular Cu(II) trimers in SrCu(OH)3Cl with a novel cuprate layer. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 2: 8170-8178.
Wang, J.-Q., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2014) Hydrothermal synthesis of high purity zeolite A from natural kaolin without calcination. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 199: 50-56.
Chen, Y., Yao, Z. & Pan, Y. (2014) Geochemistry of lamprophyres at the Daping gold deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Constraints on the timing of gold mineralization and evidence for mantle convection in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 93: 129-145.
Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2014) Triplet states of oxygen-vacancy defects in a-quartz: Center E''9. EPL (Europhysics Letters), Vol. 107: 36005.
Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2014) Arsenic speciation in newberyite (MgHPO4.3H2O) determined by synchrotron X-ray absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies: Implications for the fate of arsenic in green fertilizers. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 48: 6938-6946.
Huang, H., Fryer, B.J., Polat, A. & Pan, Y. (2014) Amphibole, plagioclase and clinopyroxene geochemistry of the Archean Fisskenaeset Complex at Majorqap area, southwest Greenland: Implications for petrogenetic and geodynamic processes. Precambrian Research, Vol. 247: 64-91.
Pan, Y. & Nilges, M.J. (2014) Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy: Basic principles, experimental techniques and applications to Earth and planetary sciences. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Vol. 78: 655-690.
Li, R., Lin, J., Nilges, M.J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2014) Arsenic speciation in danburite (CaB2Si2O8): A synchrotron XAS and single-crystal EPR study. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 26: 115-126.
Li, D., Seaman, J., Chang, H.-S., Jaffe, P., Van Groos, P.K., Jiang, D.-T., Chen, N., Lin, J., Arthur, Z., Scheckel, K., Kaplan, D., Pan, Y. Newville, M. &Lanzirotti, A. (2014) Retention and chemical speciation of uranium in an oxidized wetland sediment from the Savannah River Site. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 131: 40-46.
Sun, L.-Z., Sun, W., Ren, W.-J., Zhang. J.-Y., Huang, Y.-X., Sun, Z.-M., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2014) Synthesis and characterizatization of novel barium iron phosphates: Insigt into new structures tailored by hydrogen atoms. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 212: 48-57.
Pan, Y., Yeo, G., Rogers, B., Austman, C. & Hu, B. (2013) Application of natural radiation-induced defects in quartz to uranium exploration: A case study on the Maw Zone, Athabasca Basin. Journal of Exploration and Mining Geology, Vol. 21: 115-128..
Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2013) Arsenic incorporation in synthetic struvite (NH4MgPO4.6H2O): A synchrotron XAS and single-crystal EPR study. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 47: 12728-12735
Zhao, B.-C., Sun, W., Ren, W.J., Huang, Y.-X., Li, Z., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2013) Hygroscopic La[B5O8(OH)]NO3.2H2O: Insight into the evolution of borate fundamental building blocks. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 206, 91-98.
Zhou, B., Michaelis, V.K., Wren, J.E.C., Kroeker, S., Yao, Y., Sherriff, B.L. & Pan, Y. (2013) 11B and 23Na solid-state NMR and density functional theory studies of electric field gradients at B sites in ulexite. CrystEnGComm, Vol. 15: 8739-8747.
Lin, J., Chen, N., Nilges, M.J. & Pan, Y. (2013) Arsenic speciation in synthetic gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O): A synchrotron XAS, single-crystal EPR and pulsed ENDOR study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 106: 524-540.
Lin, J., Chen, N., Huang, D. & Pan, Y. (2013) Iron pairs in beryl: New insights from electron paramagnetic resonance, synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations. American Mineralogist, Vol. 98: 1745-1753.
Mashkovtsev, R.I., Li, Z., Mao, M. & Pan, Y. (2013) 73Ge, 17O and 29Si hyperfine interactions of the Ge E'1 center in crystalline SiO2. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 233: 7-16.
Botis, S.M., Pan, Y. & Ewing, R.C. (2013) Hydrogen incorporation in crystalline zircon: Insight from ab initio calculations. American Mineralogist, Vol. 98: 745-751.
Hu, Z.-B., Wang, C.-X., Tong, C.-Q., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2013) Crystal structure and magnetic property of synthetic gengenbachite, KH8(Fe2.66Al0.34)(PO4)6.6H2O. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 51: 223-232.
Mao, M., Li, Z. & Pan, Y. (2013) Phase transitions and proton ordering in hemimorphite: New insights from single-crystal EPR experiments and DFT calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 40: 133-143.
Dargahi, S., Arvin, M., Pan, Y. & Babaei, A. (2013) The origin of co-magmatic andesites enclaves in the Rabor Miocene pyroxene andesites, SE Kerman, Iran: insights from textures and mineralogical composition. Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol. 24: 319-335.
Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2013) Nature of paramagnetic defects in quartz: Progresses in the first decade of the 21st century. In New Developments in Quartz Research: Varieties, Crystal Chemistry and Uses in Technology, edited by Bruno Novak and Pavla Marek, pp. 65-104.
Pan, Y. (2013) Arsenic speciation in rock-forming minerals determined by EPR spectroscopy. In A. Masotti, ed., Arsenic: Sources, Environmental Impacts, Toxicity and Human Health: A Medical Geology Perspective, Nova Science Publishers Inc. pp. 39-52.
Zhou, B., Miclaelis, V.K., Pan, Y., Yao, Y., Tait, K.T., Hyde, B.C., Wren, J.E.C., Sherriff, B.L. & Kroeker, S. (2012) Crystal structure refinements of borate dimorphs inderite and kurnakovite using 11B and 25Mg nuclear magnetic resonance and DFT calculations. American Mineralgist, Vol. 97: 1858-1865.
Pan, Y., Mao, M., Li, Z., Botis, S.M., Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Shatskiy, A. (2012) Single-crystal EPR study of three radiation-induced defects (Al-O23-, Ti3+and W5+) in stishovite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 39: 627-637.
Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2012) Stable states of E'' defects in a-quartz. Europhysics Letters (EPL), Vol. 98: 56005.
Li, Z. & Pan, Y. (2012) First-principles calculations of the E'1 center in quratz: Structural models, 29Si hyperfine parameters and association with Al impurity. In J. Goetze and R. Mockel, eds., Quartz: Deposits, Mineralogy and Analytics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 161-175.
Li, R., Li, Z. & Pan, Y. (2012) Single-crystal EPR and DFT study of a VIAl-O--VIAl center in jeremejevite: Electronic structure and 27Al hyperfine coupling constants. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 39: 491-501.
SivaRamaiah, G. & Pan, Y. (2012) Thermodyanic and magnetic properties of surface Fe3+ species on quartz: Effects of gamma-ray irradiation and implication for aerosol-radiation interactions. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 39: 515-523.
Huang, D., Lin, J., Nilges, M.J. & Pan, Y. (2012) Local structures and effects of Cr3+ and Fe3+ in the p-type semiconductor CuAlO2. Physica Status Solidi B, Vol. 249: 1559-1565.
Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2012) Five new E' centers and their 29Si hyperfine parameters in electron-irradiated quartz. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 39: 79-85.
- Mao, M. & Pan, Y. (2012) Nature of heavy metals in hemimorphite: A cation-exchange and single-crystal EPR study. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 50:31-43.
Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2012) Investigation on pseudosymmetry, twinning and disorder in structure determinations: Ba(H2O)MIII2[PO3(OH)]4 (M=Fe,V) as examples. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 186: 89-96.
Zhou, B., Michaelis, V.K., Giesbrecht, S.R., Kroeker, S., Sherriff, B.L., Sun, Z., Yao, Y. & Pan, Y. (2012) Correlations between 11B NMR parameters and structural characters in norates and borosilicates by high-resolution MAS NMR and ab initio calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 39: 363-372.
Huang, D. & Pan, Y. (2012) Pressure-induced spin transitions of iron in MgSiO3 perovskite: A GGA + U study. High Pressure Research, Vol. 32: 270-279.
- Li, Z. & Pan, Y. (2011) First-principles study of boron oxygen hole centers in crystals: Electronic structures and nuclear hyperfine and quadrupole parameters. Physical Review B, Vol. 84: 1151112.
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- Lin, J., Sun, W., Mi, J.-X. & Pan, Y. (2011) A sodium calcium arsenate NaCa[AsO4]. Acta Crystallographica E, Vol. 67: i69.
- Pan, Y., Mashkovtsev, R.I., Huang, D., Mao, M. & Shatskiy, A. (2011) Mechanisms of Cr and H incorporation in stishovite determined by single-crystal EPR spectroscopy and DFT calculations. American Mineralogist, 96: 1333-1342.
- Goryainov, S.V., Krylov, A.S., Pan, Y., Madyukov, I.A., Smirnov, M.B. & Vtyurin, A.N. (2011) Raman investigation of hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic compressions of OH- and F-apophyllites up to 8GPa. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 43: 439-447.
- Mashkovtsev, R.I. & Pan, Y. (2011) Biradical states of oxygen-vacancy related defects in a-quartz: Centers E''2 and E''4. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 38: 647-654.
- Sun, W., Huang, Y.-X., Li, Z., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2011) Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite. Canadian Mineralogist, 49: 823-834.
- Lin, J., Pan, Y., Chen, N., Mao, M., Li, R. & Feng, R. (2011) Arsenic incorporation in colemanite from borate deposits: Data from ICP-MS, micro-S-XRF, XAS and EPR analyses. Canadian Mineralogist, 49: 809-822.
- Ebrahimi, S., Alirezaei, S. & Pan, Y. (2011) Geological setting, alteration, and fluid inclusion characteristics of Zaglic and Safikhaloo epithermal gold prospects, NW Iran. Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 350: 133-147.
- Li, R., Li, Z., Mao, M. & Pan, Y. (2011) Single-crystal EPR and DFT studies of a [BO4]0 center in datolite: Electronic structure, formation mechanism and implications. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 38: 33-43.
- Luo, Y., Rakovan, J., Tang, Y., Lupulescu, M., Hughes, J.M. & Pan, Y. (2011) Crystal chemistry of Th in fluorapatite. American Mineralogist, Vol. 96: 23-33.
- SivaRamaiah, G., Lin, J. & Pan, Y. (2011) Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of Fe3+ ions in amethyst: Thermodynamic potentials and magnetic susceptibility. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 38: 159-167.
- Botis, S.M. & Pan, Y. (2010) Theoretical modeling of the Al paramagnetic center and its precursors in stishovite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 37, 119-127.
- Dargahi, S., Arvin, M., Pan, Y. & Babaei, A. (2010) Geochemistry of A-type granitoids in the Southwestern Kerman, the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic assemblage, Iran: Constraints on the Arabian-Eurasian continental collision. Lithos, Vol. 115: 190-204.
- Huang, D. & Pan, Y. (2010) First-principles calculations of intrinsic defects in the p-type semiconductor CuAlO2. Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 88: 927-932.
- Mao, M., Lin, J. & Pan, Y. (2010) Hemimorphite as a natural sink for arsenic in zinc deposits and related mine tailings: Evidence from single-crystal EPR spectroscopy and hydrothermal synthesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 74: 2943-2956.
- Mao, M., Nilges, M.J. & Pan, Y. (2010) Single-crystal EPR and ENDOR study of an Al−O− center in prehnite: Implications for aluminum-associated oxyradicals in layer silicates. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 22: 381-392.
- Mao, M., Nilges, M.J. & Pan, Y. (2010) Radiation-induced defects in apophyllites. II. An O− centre and related O−−O− pairs in hydroxylapophyllite. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 22: 89-102.
- Mi, J.-X., Wang, C.-X., Chen, N., Li, R. & Pan, Y. (2010) Synthesis and crystal structure of a new open-framework iron phosphate (NH4)4Fe3(OH)2F2[H3(PO4)4]: novel linear trimer of corner-sharing Fe(III) octahedra. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 183: 2763-2769.
- Botis, S.M., Adriaens, D. & Pan, Y. (2009) Ab initio calculations of the (O23--Y3+) center in CaF2 and SrF2: its electronic structure and hyperfine constants. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 36: 1-7.
- Botis, S.M. & Pan, Y. (2009) First-principles calculations on the [AlO4/M+]0 (M=H,Li,Na,K) defects in quartz and crystal-chemical controls on the uptake of Al. Mineralogical Magazine, 73: 537-550.
- Goryainov, S.V., Pan,Y & Madyukov. I. A. (2009) Raman study of W-doped diamond-like carbon films. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. Vol. 73: 874-877.
- Luo, Y., Hughes, J. M., Rakovan, J. & Pan, Y. (2009) Site preference of U and Th in Cl, F, Sr apatites. American Mineralogist, Vol. 94: 345-351.
- Mao M. & Pan, Y. (2009) Radiation-induced defects in apophyllites. I. The NH2 free radical in fluorapophyllite. European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 21: 317-324.
- Nilges, M.J., Pan, Y. & Mashkovtsev, R.I. (2009) Radiation-induced defects in quartz. III. W-band EPR, ENDOR and ESEEM study of a peroxy radical. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36: 61-73.
- Pan, Y., Mao, M. & Lin, J. (2009) Single-crystal EPR study of Fe3+ and VO2+ in prehnite from the Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec. Canadian Mineralogist, 47: 933-945.
- Pan, Y. & Hu, B. (2009) Radiation-induced defects in quartz. IV. Thermal properties and implications. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 36: 421-430.
- Pan, Y., Nilges, M.J. & Mashkovtsev RI (2009) Radiation-induced defects in quartz: Multifrequency EPR study and DFT modeling of new peroxy radicals. Mineralogical Magazine, 73: 517-535.
- Wang, Q.Y., Pan, Y., Chen, N.S., Li, X.Y. (2009) Proterozoic polymetamorphism in the Quanji Block, Northwestern China: evidence from microtextures, garnet compositions and monazite CHIME ages. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 34: 686-698.
- Zhou, Y., Huang,Y., Pan, Y. & Mi, J.-X. (2009) Single-crystal microtubes of a novel apatite-type compound, (Na2.5Bi2.5)(PO4)3(F,OH), with well-faceted hexagonal cross sections. CrystEngComm. Vol. 11: 1863-1867.
1989-2008 (not listed)
Teaching & Supervision
2nd year: Crystallography and Mineralogy, Mineralogy, Introductory Petrology
3rd year: Igneous Petrology, Metamorphic Petrology
4th year Field School
4th year: Geochemistry, Mineral Deposits
Graduate: Analytical Geochemistry, Advanced Petrology, Economic Geology
geochemistry mineral deposits minerals mineral spectroscopy minerology petrology
My research in mineralogy, environmental mineralogy and geochemistry provides molecular-level understanding of heavy metal(loid)s and radionuclides in common minerals and related materials, with applications to managing the risks and benefits of mining industry and nuclear technology for our society and the environment. Another major objective of my research is to provide mechanistic understanding of mineralization processes in magmatic, metamorphic and hydrothermal systems. Scientific approaches include diverse state-of-the-art experimental techniques (e.g. EPR spectroscopy and synchrotron-based methods) and first-principles theoretical calculations.
Image Gallery
Fieldwork at the Big Mack pegmatite, Kenora, OntarioFieldwork with geologists of Pan American Energy Corp and Sibelco at the Big Mack petalite pegmatite
2024 Fieldwork at Georgia Lake pegmatites, Beardmore, OntarioPhoto with Mr. Amende Thompson of Rocky Bay First Nation at the McVittie pegmatite, taken by Mr. David Benson of Rock Tech Lithium Inc.