Research Area(s)
- Hydrometeorology
- Isotope hydrology
- Earth surface processes
- Pedagogy
Teaching & Supervision
Courses taught:
GEOG 120: Introduction to Global Environmental Systems
GEOG 233: Introduction to Weather and Climate
GEOG 302: Quantitative Methods in Geography
GEOG 328: Groundwater Hydrology
GEOG 333: Global Climate Change
GEOG 390: Methods in Hydrometeorology
Students interested in completing an honours thesis project are encouraged to contact me in early spring.
Recent publications:
England N., James A.L., Chutko K.J., Pryce R.S., and H. Yao. 2019. Hydrologic and water isotope characterization of a regulated Canadian Shield river basin. Hydrological Processes, 33: 905-919.
Wachowiak, M.P., James A.L., Wachowiak-Smolikova R., Walters D.F., Chutko K.J., and J.A. Rusak. 2018. Visual analytics of high-frequency lake monitoring data: A case study of multiple stressors on a large inland lake system. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 5: 99-110.
Mountain N., James, A.L., and K.J. Chutko. 2015. Groundwater and surface water influences on streamflow in a mesoscale Precambrian Shield catchment. Hydrological Processes, 29: 3941-3953.