Research Area(s)
- Anthropology of healing and Indigenous medicine
- Anthropology of disaster and dislocation
- Indigenous peoples
- Culture and mental health
- Ethnographic film
- Prison ethnography
- Maya peoples
- Belize
About me
Courses Taught and In Development
- PSY 224: Culture and Psychology
- PSY 380: Psychology, Culture and the Therapeutic Process
- PSY 480: Aboriginal Mental Health
- PSY 801: Culture and Mental Health
- ANTH 111: One World, Many Peoples
- ANTH 305: The Practice of Ethnography
- ANTH 403: Anthropology of Healing
- ANTH 498: Culture, Mind and Experience
- ANTH 405: Anthropology of Disaster and Dislocation
- ANTH 802: Community-Based Research: Ethnography and Engagement
Student Employment or Research Opportunities
From time to time I require students to assist in data management and analysis.
Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
Waldram, James B. 2020. An Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of Q'eqchi' Maya Medicine in Belize. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Waldram, James B. 2012. Hound Pound Narrative: Sexual Offender Habilitation and the Anthropology of Therapeutic Intervention. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Waldram JB. (editor). 2008. Aboriginal healing in Canada:Studies in therapeutic meaning and practice. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
Waldram JB, Herring DA, Young TK. 2006. Aboriginal health inCanada: Historical, cultural and epidemiological perspectives. 2nd Ed. Toronto:University of Toronto Press.
Waldram JB. 2004.Revenge of the Windigo: The construction of the mind and mental health of North American Aboriginal peoples Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Anthropological Horizons.
Laliberte R, Settee P, Waldram JB, Macdougall B, McBain L, Innes R, Barron, FL. (editors). 2000. Expressions in Canadian Native Studies. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Press.
Waldram JB. 1997. The way of the pipe: Aboriginal spirituality and symbolic healing in Canadian prisons. Peterborough: Broadview Press.
Chapters in Books
Victor, Janice, and James B. Waldram (2015). Moral habilitation and the new normal: Sexual offender narratives of posttreatment community integration. In Lois Presser and Sveinung Sandberg, Eds. Narrative Criminology. Pp. 96-121. New York: New York University (NYU) Press.
Waldram, James B. 2015. Writing bad: Prison ethnography and the problem of “tone.” In The Palgrave handbook of prison ethnography. Deborah Drake, Rod Earle, Jennifer Sloan (eds). Pp. 214-229. London: Palgrave.
Waldram, JB. 2008. Aboriginal Health and Health Care in Canada. Handbook of North American Indians: Contemporary Issues. Pp. 222-230. Washington: Smithsonian Institute.
Waldram JB. 2008. Models and metaphors of healing. In: Aboriginal healing in Canada: Studies in Therapeutic Meaning and Practice. James B. Waldram (ed). Pp. 1-8. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
Waldram JB., Innes R, Kaweski M, Redman C. (n.d). Building a nation: Aboriginal healing in urban context. In: Aboriginal healing in Canada: Studies in Therapeutic Meaning and Practice. James B. Waldram (ed). Pp. 205-268. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation. In Press.
Waldram JB. 2008. Culture and Aboriginality in the Study of Mental Health. In: L. Kirmayer and G. Valaskakis (Eds). Pp. 56-79. The Mental Health of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Transformations of Identity and Community. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Waldram JB, Downe P. 2006. Ex-patriots in the Ivory Tower: The Experiences of Academic Anthropologists in non-Anthropology Departments. In: Historicizing Canadian Anthropology. J. Harrison and R. Darnell (Eds). Pp. 183-195. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Hatala, Andrew R., and James B. Waldram. (2017) Diagnostic Emplotment in Q’eqchi’ Maya Medicine. Medical Anthropology 36(3):273-286.
Scharbach, Julia, and James B. Waldram. (2016). Asking for a Disaster: Being “At Risk” in the Emergency Evacuation of a Northern Canadian Aboriginal Community. Human Organization 75(1): 59-70.
Hatala, Andrew R., and James B. Waldram (2015). The Role of Sensorial Processes in Q’eqchi’ Maya Healing: A Case Study of Depression and Bereavement. Transcultural Psychiatry 53(1): 60-80.
Hatala, Andrew R., and James B. Waldram (2015). Narrative structures of Maya mental disorders. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry [In Press]
Waldram, James B. (2015). “I Don’t Know the Words He Uses”: Therapeutic Communication among Q’eqchi Maya Healers and Their Patients. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 29(3):279-297.
Waldram, James B., and Andrew R. Hatala ( 2015). Latent and manifest empiricism in Q’eqchi’ Maya healing: A case study of HIV/AIDS. Social Science and Medicine 126:9-16.
Waldram, James B. (2013). Transformative and restorative processes: Revisiting the efficacy of Indigenous healing. Medical Anthropology 32(3): 191-207.
Waldram, James B. (2012). Healing history? Aboriginal healing, historical trauma, and personal responsibility. Transcultural Psychiatry 51(3): 370-386.
Waldram, J.B. 2010. Moral agency, cognitive distortion, and narrative strategy in the rehabilitation of sexual offenders. Ethos 38(3): 251-274.
Selection of Publications (by Year)
Anthropology of Healing Belize Canada Disaster and Evacuation Ethnographic Methods Indigenous Health Medical and Applied Anthropology
I am an applied anthropologist first and foremost. My research falls within the areas of medical, psychological and psychiatric anthropology, and environmental anthropology. I am primarily interested in issues of culture and health. I have undertaken fieldwork in more than a dozen Aboriginal communities in Canada, in medical clinics, and in prisons. My current projects include field research among a group of Q’eqchi (Maya) healers in southern Belize, and an exploration of the psychological and sociocultural implicatons of disasters and community evacuation in northern Canada.
Education & Training
B.A. (Hons) Anthropology, University of Waterloo (1978)
M.A. Anthropology, University of Manitoba, (1980)
PhD Medical Anthropology, University of Connecticut (1983)
Awards & Honours
- Fellow, awarded by Canadian Anthropology Society June 2020
- Impact Award, awarded by SSHRC May 2017
- Fellow, awarded by Royal Society of Canada November 2014
- Distinguished Researcher, awarded by University of Saskatchewan July 2013
Documents & Links
- Hotıé dëgharé nahoté hası̨ ɂasıé hoghëdı́ hılé dé
- kā esi wāpahtahkik e wayawihtahihcik osci ekota asiniy nehiyawak māmawi wīkiwin ohci wapāwikoscikanihk (kise ayak ekwa kihte ayak)
- Pelican Narrows Evacuation Cree Report
- Report on the Maya Healers Association of Belize
- Healthy People, Beautiful Life: Maya Healers of Belize
- New: Hound Pound Narrative
Image Gallery
New from University of California Press
Healthy People, Beautiful Life