Picture of Christy Morrissey

Christy Morrissey BSc, PhD Professor

CSRB 120.6

Research Area(s)

  • Avian ecotoxicology and conservation
  • Assessing and mitigating pesticide and other agricultural stressors to Prairie agroecosystems
  • Captive and field studies to assess contaminant exposure and effects on avian life cycles- particularly migration and reproduction
  • Freshwater ecotoxicology - direct and indirect effects of chemical stressors on stream and wetland communities and ecosystems
  • Determining avian exposure using ecophysiological, stable isotope methods and effects of pollutants in wild birds

About me


Other Affiliations:

Toxicology (Associate membership)  http://www.usask.ca/toxicology/

School of Environment and Sustainability (Associate membership) https://sens.usask.ca/

Courses taught:

BIOL 121.3 Diversity of Life 

BIOL 373.3 Community Ecology (2024-25 Term 2)

BIOL 380.3 Research Experience in Biology 

BIOL 410.3 Current Issues in Environmental Biology

BIOL 470.3 Conservation Biology 

BIOL 475.3 Ecological Toxicology (2024-25 Term 1)

BIOL 875.3 Ecotoxicology: Theory and Practice (2024-25 Term 1)

BIOL 479.3 Literature Review in Biology

BIOL 480.3 or 481.3 Research in Biology 


For a full list of publications and work done in the Morrissey lab...click on the following 


ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-8128-4209

Or Google Scholar

Christy Morrissey Google Scholar


agriculture birds ecology ecophysiology ecotoxicology environment environmental pollution industrial pollutants insects and insectivores migration pesticides river water wetlands