About Regional and Urban Planning
Professional planners direct the development of cities, towns, neighbourhoods and regions. They are frontline workers on many of society’s most engaging issues including climate change, suburban sprawl and planning with Indigenous communities. Planners work with citizens, developers and elected officials to create great places that optimize the use or preservation of society’s environmental, economic, social, cultural and aesthetic assets. The USask Regional and Urban Planning Program prepares students to work toward achieving several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to create a more sustainable and better future for all, especially Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Planners direct and coordinate the allocation of land, resources, infrastructure, facilities and services in order to create distinctive, resilient places and healthy, vibrant, sustainable cities, towns, reserves and regions. They revitalize aging neighbourhooods and commercial areas and undertake economic development planning and place-marketing for rural and urban communities. Their work includes maximizing travel mode choices and access to homes, work, retail, social and community services. Planners proactively address climate change issues, energy conservation, protection of water source and supplies and conservation of natural areas. Planners bring life to cultural and heritage features, facilitate social integration and ensure safe, comfortable and enjoyable public spaces for all by working with diverse communities of citizens and especially with First Nations and Métis peoples.
Professional planners use their skills in design, community engagement, policy analysis and government processes, economics, planning and development law, geomatics, conflict resolution, public speaking and applied research to lead challenging conversations that link knowledge with action. Planning is an exciting vocation and a rewarding profession. Many planners have meaningful careers in the public sector, such as at urban or rural municipalities, provincial or federal government departments and conservation authorities. Many also pursue careers in the private sector, working for planning consulting firms or real estate development companies. Others start their own development or planning consulting companies and thrive on the challenges of entrepreneurship. Some planners pursue further education and careers in areas such as architecture, public policy and environmental management.
To prepare students to become strong planners equipped to meet the challenges of society, the Regional and Urban Planning (RUP) Program has distinguished itself as a strong interdisciplinary professional program. Our students are a creative, connected, talented and versatile group. They have to be in order to assume leadership roles in tackling society’s most important and complex issues that stretch well beyond the boundaries of any single discipline. We encourage RUP students to take advantage of international study and exchange programs to learn about planning in other places.
The RUP Program is accredited by the Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute and the Canadian Institute of Planners and is one of only three professionally accredited undergraduate planning programs in western Canada. It is also one of the longest established planning degrees in Canada. It was established in 1968 by J. Howard Richards and John G. McConnell with student leaders Gordon Tweddell and Kent Gerecke, and has contributed ever since to building the planning profession in Saskatchewan, across Canada and around the world. The RUP program proudly celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2018.
Consider making a charitable donation to the Founders’ Enrichment Fund, where money raised will be used to support student program enrichment initiatives that enhance experiential learning and engagement with the profession and community. The Fund is named in honour of Dr. J. Howard Richards, Dr. John McConnell, and the other influential student and faculty leaders who founded the RUP program.
Our Goals
The first goal of the RUP Program is to prepare its graduates to step into the current state of planning practice with the disciplinary knowledge needed to meet the demand of public and private sector employers for competent and creative community planners. In achieving our first goal, we maintain the high standards of the Professional Standards Board of the Canadian Institute of Planners.
The second goal is to prepare graduates to challenge the current state of planning practice and bring their critical thinking skills to bear on a profession that needs to continuously improve the quality of public and private development decisions affecting our environment and society. By achieving our second goal, we ensure that the planning profession in Saskatchewan and across Canada does not stagnate and miss out on the considerable innovations occurring internationally in planning.
The RUP Program embraces the promise of an engaged university through its interdisciplinary curriculum and maintains a high level of commitment to active learning through project-based assessment, guest lectures, field trips, and applied studio work focused on solving real problems in communities throughout Saskatchewan.
Prospective Students
The RUP program is offered by the Department of Geography and Planning. Any student admitted to the College of Arts and Science can be in the RUP program, simply by choosing to major in RUP and taking the required courses. You can declare this major in Year 2 by going to the Undergraduate Office (Arts 265).
Contact Information
Dr. Bob Patrick, MCIP, RPP
Associate Professor and Chair, Regional and Urban Planning
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Saskatchewan
Rm. 116, 117 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK CANADA S7N 5C8
Dr. Ehab Diab (Department of Geography and Planning)
Dr. Jill Blakley, MCIP, RPP (Department of Geography & Planning)
Dr. Bob Patrick, MCIP, RPP (Department of Geography & Planning)
Dr. Ryan Walker, MCIP, RPP (Department of Geography & Planning)
Dr. Matthew Mitchell, (Department of Poltical Studies)
Dr. Eric Howe (Department of Economics)
Dr. Michael Gertler (Department of Sociology)
Dr. Jon Bath (Department of Art and Art History)
Kenneth Weddige, BA, City of Saskatoon (Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute rep)
Dr. Ana Karinna Hidalgo, (Professional Associate)
Alan Wallace, RPP, MCIP, Planning Director, Wallace Insights (Professional Associate)
Brenda Wallace, RPP, MCIP, CP3 Principal Wallace Insights (Professional Associate)
Amber Dixon (Planning Students' Association)
To become a member or to contact the Association, please email rup.psa.usask@gmail.com
2024-2025 PSA Executive
President: Amber Dixon
Vice President: Annalise Couture
SPPI/CIP Representative: Ramisa Ibnat
Financial Director: Sydney Buzash
Project Director: Ross Tilk
Communications Director: Osama Abul-Haj
Events Director: Dominic Tran
Speaker Series Director: Liam Sales
Career Opportunities
All students majoring in Regional and Urban Planning should apply for Student Membership in the Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute. Student members of SPPI should keep an eye on employment postings on both the SPPI website and the website of the Canadian Institute of Planners. Also refer to the Student Employment and Career Centre website for postings.
CIP’s Student Membership package is here. Membership is free for students.
All employers wishing to post positions for graduates of the RUP Program or summer employment positions for continuing RUP students should use the services of the Student Employment and Career Centre. They can be contacted by phone at (306) 966-5003. You may also contact the RUP Chair with job ads for continuing or graduating students robert.patrick@usask.ca
Scholarships and Awards
The McLeod-Jourdin Award is an endowment from Mr. George McLeod of Calgary, matched by a contribution from the Noble Foundation of Admore, Oklahoma. The prize, officially referred to as The Carl McLeod & Art Jourdin Award in Regional and Urban Planning, has provided for an annual student prize in RUP since 1992. The Award is intended to be funded in perpetuity through annual earnings of a trust established by the Donors on behalf of the University of Saskatchewan. The value of the Award will be determined from time to time, based upon the University practices regarding trust value preservation, and is presently estimated at approximately $2,500.
- Open to full-time Regional and Urban Planning students who have completed an individual or group urban planning project or paper.
- The project or paper must clearly identify a research/design problem and have the potential to contribute to contemporary issues in urban, regional, or community planning in Canada.
- Selection is based on the merits of the project/paper.
- Applications may come from individual or group projects. If submitting as a group, clearly identify all contributors.
To apply, submit a project or paper in urban, regional, and/or community planning to asg.studentawards@usask.ca
For more information, please contact asg.studentawards@usask.ca
The Fraser-Gatrell Memorial Scholarship has been endowed in memory of two Saskatchewan community planners who were tragically killed in northern Saskatchewan in 1993. The late Darren Gatrell was also our student, graduating from the RUP Program in 1992. The Fraser-Gatrell Memorial Scholarship award is funded through annual earnings of a trust established by the Donors on behalf of the University of Saskatchewan. The value of the Scholarship is approximately $2,500.
- Open to third- and fourth-year undergraduate students in the Regional and Urban Planning program who have completed a paper on the topic of planning in northern Canada (north of the 53rd parallel).
- Selection is based on the merits of the paper, academic achievement, and demonstrated involvement in community activities.
- To apply, submit an 8–10 page paper from the 2022-2023 regular session on the topic of planning in northern Canada and a list highlighting involvement in community activities to asg.studentawards@usask.ca.
For more information, please contact asg.studentawards@usask.ca.
This award was established in memory of Todd Mitchell (BA'19) to provide financial support to continuing undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Science who are pursuing studies in Regional and Urban Planning.
Award value: $2,000
- Open to continuing undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Science who have declared a major in Regional and Urban Planning. To be eligible, students must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing.
- Selection is based upon financial need.
Apply through the Scholarships and Bursaries channel in PAWS.
Planning Internship
PLAN 410.3 - Planning Internship
Students volunteer for 80 hours/term (roughly six hours/week) at a company or organization
undertaking planning or planning-related work. The internship will occur in a workplace
environment, with location details determined in consultation between the workplace internship
supervisor, course coordinator, and student. Students will have the opportunity to learn about
professional, intellectual, organizational, and other practical issues that occur in a planning or
planning-related work environment, and consider how their university studies in planning relate
and bring value to that environment. A reflective journal, participation in three seminars, and
presentation at end of the term are required, in addition to deliverables agreed upon at the start
of the internship between the workplace internship supervisor, course coordinator, and student,
if applicable. Student grades are determined by the course coordinator, with structured input
from the workplace internship supervisor.
PLAN 411.0 - Planning Work Placement
Students gain applied work experience at a company or organization undertaking planning or
planning-related work for a minimum of 420 hours of paid employment over 3-12 months, after
having reached third or fourth year standing in the Regional and Urban Planning major.
Students are responsible for securing their own placement, though it must be approved by the
course coordinator as suitable planning or planning-related work for enrolment in PLAN 411.0.
Typically, work placements are full-time during the Spring/Summer (May-August), during the
months when students are not enrolled full-time in course-work on campus. However, flexibility
is applied in order to allow for part-time work over a longer duration. The Planning Work
Placement gives students the opportunity to learn about professional, intellectual,
organizational, and other practical issues that occur in a planning or planning-related work
environment under the supervision of a suitable employer, and have it noted on their transcript
as satisfying the RUP major requirement to complete either PLAN 410.3 or 411.0.
Coordinator: Dr. Ryan Walker, RPP, MCIP
email: ryan.walker@usask.ca
Urban Design Certificate
The new Urban Design Certificate offers a micro-credential to supplement your degree. It will appear on your transcript. Regional and Urban Planning (RUP) majors and Art and Art History majors, and students across campus, can take a suite of courses from Interdisciplinary Studies, Art, Geography, and Planning to complete this certificate (18-21 credit units). RUP majors can double-count the courses toward their Planning Major and toward the Urban Design Certificate. Details on requirements can be found here.
How do I receive recognition for completing the Certificate?
It takes 3 easy steps to receive recognition for completing the Urban Design Certificate at graduation and on your final transcript.
- The student need to notify the RUP Program Chair of their intent to complete the certificate.
- Each term the RUP Program Chair provides the list to the Manager of the Undergraduate Services of Undergraduate Office, College of Arts and Science.
- Prior to graduation the student must inform the Undergradate Services at Undergraduate Office, College of Arts and Science, that they have completed the certificate requirements.
General Information on Advising and Courses
In March and April, the Departments offer Spring advising. You should make an advising appointment every Spring to determine what courses you have left to take, so you can organize your upcoming year. This also is a good opportunity to discuss your progress up to that point, and ask any special questions you may have.
Note: It is the student’s responsibility to consult the Course and Program Catalouge and/or obtain advising to apprise him or herself of the program requirements and class schedule. This is important so as to avoid scheduling conflicts or problems in the final years of the program.
Note that Spring and Summer courses do count towards your academic average. Consult with the Undergraduate Office (Arts 265) for more information on your average. For information on Student Loans during the Spring and Summer, contact Student Central (966-1212).
Email contact.rup@artsandscience.usask.ca, or see the People link on this site.
At any time during the year, you can phone 966-4231 for more information, or email contact.rup@artsandscience.usask.ca, or student-advice@artsandscience.usask.ca to set up an appointment. Due to high volume, there may be a wait for advising of up to a few weeks, depending on availability. Spring Advising is done on a sign-up basis only and begins in March.